Monday, November 14, 2011

African American Poem

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
This poem by Maya Angelou explains how she continues to build her career even though many people are racist to her because she is African American. She was a very accomplished woman that became the first African American woman director in Hollywood. In this poem, she explains that everyone in the world is going to bed in fear, or pain, or disappointment, but there is still the nobleness of the human spirit no matter what you look like. You have the ability to rise.

African American Picture Book

This book is about an African American girl named Grace. She loves to act in the plays her class does and often gets the lead role. But when the class does Peter Pan, the kids tell her she cannot have the lead. Peter is a boy and is not black. But with the encouragement and confidence from her Nana and Ma, Grace tries out anyway. The class then agrees that Grace is the best, and she gets the role. 

African American Piece of Art

This African American art piece is a watercolor that was done during the Harlem Renaissance.  This piece was influenced by the African Americans love for jazz that was developed during the renaissance in the 1920’s.

African American Music
I picked this piece because it was the offical song for the African American Civil Rights Movements. It speaks of the hope the African Americans have that some day they will overcome the trials and obstacles that many of them face, and they will be set free. I think that even though they are no longer slaves, this song still applies to many African Americans as many of them still feel racism against them.

African American Movie

This movie is about Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized African American, who was adopted by a caring white family. This movie shows the inner drive this African American had to succeed. He represents not only the drive he had, but also the inner drive many African-Americans have to be successful today.

2 African American Historical Events

One of the most major historical events with African Americans that was connected to the United States was the Civil War. This war began in 1861 when the Deep South seceded from the United States due to the issue with slavery. Many people in the United States thought that slavery was ok, while others did not leading to the war. The North eventually won, and slavery was banned. But this did not end the racism and prejudice that was held against African Americans. Many people continue to treat them in a very disrespectful way. In 1909, another major historical event happened for African Americans. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in New York by black and white intellectuals.  This association served as the country’s most influential African-American civil rights organizations for the next half century. It was dedicated to political equity and social justice. Even though both of these events strived to make African Americans have the same justice as white Americans, they still feel much racism and prejudice against them today.

Description of African American Learners

Children in this culture often learn better in ways characterized by harmony, cooperation, affection, and socialization. They also show a preference for visual aids. These students are usually more dependent, spontaneous, open minded, and flexible.  There are four characteristics of the African American learners: socially affectionate, musical, expressive, and nonverbal.  Many African American students also prefer to study with light music or conversation. They like to maintain close proximity to students and are sensitive to and responsive to what others feel and think and how their actions might affect others.

2 Suggested Teaching Strategies For African American Students

1)      Allow the students to often work together since this is a preferred learning style for many African Americans.  But do not segregate them by culture groups, and do not allow the students to segregate themselves.

2)      Attribute human characteristics to concepts and principals when teaching.  Many African American students learn better when the curriculum is humanized 

Asian-American Poetry

“Otherness” by Diana Chang
“Are you Chinese?
“Are you American?”
I am fascinated
But other
Leading to an eye-opener:
Real Chinese in China
Not feeling other,
Not international
Not cosmopolitan
Are gentiles, no less
No wonder
I felt the way I did
In the crowd
My Israel
Not there
Not here
I chose this poem because it really gets at what immigrants to America feel like.  They are not sure who they are, and search for their identity.  They are not like everyone else, and they are not sure where they can call home and claim their true identity. 

Asian-American Learners

Learners from the Asian American culture are very bright.  They score higher than any other race on proficiency tests.  They are stereotyped as the “model minority”, and many people think that they all excel at math and science just because of their race.  Because of this, these students are not being adequately served by the nation’s public schools.  Families who struggle with finances often urge their children to drop out of school and get a job instead.  Also, many students also arrive in the United States after they have experienced the trauma of war or violence.  This puts these students at a disadvantage, and they also often have academic and psychological needs. 
There are a few teaching strategies that can help you help your student reach their highest achievement level.  First, you can show students you care by getting to know their individual needs and strengths and sharing their concerns, hopes, and dreams.  Students are more willing to listen and learn to their teacher if they are caring and nurturing.  Another strategy that you can use is to understand students' home cultures to better comprehend their behavior in and out of the classroom.  In this way, you can understand how your student’s parents view education.  Each parent is going to have a different view of how the education of their child should happen.  This will also affect the way their child acts and behaves in school.  

Asian-American Historical Events

The first historical event I chose was World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.  This event is one of the most significant in American history, and it had a large negative effect on Asian-Americans during that time.  The United States was afraid that any Japanese-Americans living in the United States would also turn against America and attack.  Because of this belief, the United States placed all Japanese-Americans in camps surrounded by fences and guards. 
The second historical event I chose was the effect of the Gold Rush on America.  Because of the Gold Rush in California, many Chinese came and began searching for the “mother load”.   After many of them came, they began to experience harsh, restrictive laws, and people were violent against them.  However, after World War II, these laws were repealed, and it then became a lot easier for Asians to become American citizens and not face violence or unfair laws.  

Asian-American Movie

This movie was created and filmed in 2001.  It highlights the relationship between an Asian-American woman and a white man during World War II.  Many of these relationships were put to the test and were either made stronger or failed because of the war and the false rumors going around during this time.  

Asian-American Music

I chose this piece by Jake Shimabukuro for a couple reasons.  First of all, this is not the kind of music many of us are used too.  But, he continues to amaze everyone with his amazing talents.  Shimabukuro also recorded and dedicated a piece to the Japanese-American soldiers who fought and died in World War II.  Shimabukuro grew up in Hawaii, and many of these men were also from there.  This is why he was compelled to really embrace his cultures music and make it popular.  

Asian-American Literature

This children’s picture book is called Baseball Saved Us.   This book takes place on the West Coast during the start of World War II after Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor.  It is about a Japanese-American boy and his experiences in the camp that he and his family were placed in.  His father helps dissolve the tensions between those in the camp by proposing they create a baseball field.  Baseball not only helps the Japanese-Americans survive in the camps, but in the end it also helps the little boy overcome the fact that he is smaller than all the other boys his age. 
            I liked this book because this event was very significant in American history.  The Japanese-Americans were wrongly persecuted, and this book gives a good description of what it was like to be one of them during this time in American history.  

Asian- American Art

Flo Oy Wong’s art work is influenced by family, community, culture, and history.  She interviews people and also takes experiences from her own life to create these pieces.  In this art piece, Wong used a rice bag as her medium.  This represented a major part of Wong’s entire life.  She worked in a restaurant as a child, her family ate rice almost every night, and it was the only thing available to her family when her father was shot and recovering.  This art piece represents Wong’s life as a whole and how hardships were faced and overcome.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Major events in Native American History

The trail of tears: In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was passed and forced the removal of Native Americans throughout the United States. By the spring of 1838 all tribes east of the Mississippi had been relocated farther west or killed in battle. During this removal many Native Americans died because of the harsh conditions they were subject to during their journey west.

The Sioux Uprising 1851-1890: The Sioux tribe had to give up their land on live on reservations, but some of the Sioux people (renegades) attacked and killed American citizens. This starts a war in which many Native Americans as well as Americans die.

I chose these events because the people in our class can quickly identify with the two events. One is something many people are taught in schools and the other is where our county gets its namesake from.

Description of learners from this culture: These learners are from a variety of places and home lifes. Also they have strong ties to their families as well as communitites. These students are not only competent with the work given, but on many occasions can excell in the classroom.

2 Suggested Teaching Strategies:

Ensure that all activities provide for effective communication with parents who have limited English-language skills.

Be knowledgeable about native students' different modes of learning.

The movie Pocahontas is fairly recent and is a movie that many people already know of. It represents the Native American culture well and is easy for everyone to appreciate. I chose this movie because it is a good movie and it is a movie in which even I could gain a better understanding of the Native American culture.,4443,Pocahontas.html&docid=JxE6EnN3ekwVOM&imgurl=,r:6,s:0

Native American Music

This link is to an Native American war song. The song shows what many consider to be images associated with the Native American culture. I picked this song because I felt that it was something people could easily identify with the Native American culture as well gain a deeper insight into their music.

Native America Piece of Art: "Deer Healer" by Michael Cruz

Deer Healer, painting by Michael Cruz

I chose this piece because it encompasses many of the things that characterize the Native American culture. The piece not only shows their culture, but also is a beautiful piece.

Native American Picture book

This is a story about a young girl named Rosalie and her grandfather. They gardened together until her grandfather passed away. After his death she uses gardening to heal.

This story is a good representation of the Native American culture because family is important in that culture. Also I feel that the way death is handled is also a good representation of the Native American culture as well.

Native American Poem

The Trail of Tears
By Brian Childers ©1998
I look to the long road behind
My heart is heavy with my people’s sorrow
Tears of grief I weep - for all that we have lost
As we march ever farther from the land of our birth
On the Trail of Tears
Mile after mile and day after day
Our people are fewer with each rising sun
Disease and starvation they take their terrible toll
And though we suffer still we march on…
On the Trail of Tears
I watch my beloved weaken and fall
Upon the road like so many before…
With tears in my eyes I hold my wife to my breast
And in my arms she breathes her last…
On the Trail of Tears
Mile after mile and day after day
We march to a land promised us for all time
But I know that I can no longer go on
I know that is a land that I shall never see…
On the Trail of Tears
As my body - it falls to embrace the earth
My spirit - it soars to greet the sky
With my dying breath am I finally set free
To begin the very long journey towards home
On the Trail of Tears

I chose this poem because it touches on the trail of tears, which is an important event in Native American History. Also because it gives perspective on the event from the perspective of someone that truly feels the pain of that event.

Description of Hispanic American Learners

Learners from this culture might have a problem with a language barrier, bias, and stereotypes.  They might also have to deal with family isses or differences because in their culture family is to be held almost above all else.

2 suggested teaching Strategies for Hispanic American Learners

A couple classroom strategies that could be utilized when dealing with Hispanic American Students are:

1. Classroom instruction should be designed to connect of a course with students' backgrounds
2.Build a supportive classroom atmosphere where differences are not neglected, but are explored, discussed and celebrated.

There were a great deal of strategies to use, but I feel that those two strategies would be the most helpfull when encountering and interacting with Hispanic American students. Also by using these strategies I feel that a teacher could become better equipped to handle students of the Hispanic American area.

2 Historical Events

The Alamo
The Anglo-Texans did not want to be under the rule of Santa Anna so they resisted his rule.  The Mexican army came and defeated the original resisters and then 6 weeks later the Texas reinforcements defeated the Mexican army and claimed Texas as an independant state from Mexico.

The Missions
In California there is a string of 21 missions that were designed to convert the Mexican citizens to Christianity and to help them adjust to life the States.  These missions were also used to convert the Native Americans in California to Christianity.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hispanic Ameircan movie: Selena

For the movie I chose "Selena" because it shows one girls journey to stardom that started with her having to embrace her heritage and her getting back to her parents roots.  She is told by her father that she needs to start her career by singing in spainsh so that she can know who she really is before she sets out for fame and fortune.  She fights this at first because she never even learned spanish but eventually she discovers that she was wrong and listens to her father. 
I think that this movie is a good example of kids that have to struggle with what their heritage really is because their parents immigrated.,r:12,s:0

Tengo un Amor by Toby Love

This song starts out in English and then moves into Spanish about half way through.  This song was on the top 40 charts for 4 weeks running and I enjoy listening to it quite a bit.  It song combines two cultures and two languages very well.

Pablo Picasso: "Three dancers"

I chose a piece by the famous Pablo Picasso. He not only is one of the most prominent hispanic American artists, but one of the most prominent artists of all time. Picasso is a good representation of the Hispanic american culture.,%252B3%252BDancers%252B1925.jpg&w=901&h=1200&ei=lT7ATsqOBKbI0AG_hYX0BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=360&vpy=109&dur=1919&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=91&ty=131&sig=116468553790973167299&page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0

The Storyteller's Candle by Pura Belpre

Cover art of The Storyteller's Candle children's bilingual picture book about Pura Belpre

This story is about the 1st Puerto Rican librarian in New York City and how she uses her position to help other immigrants to adjust.  I think that it is good for us to see these stories from a different perspective than our own.

Elena by Pat Mora

 My Spanish isn`t good enough
I remember how I`d smile
Listening my little ones
Understanding every word they´d say,
Their jokes, their songs, their plots
Vamos a pedirle dulces a mama. Vamos.
But that was in Mexico.
Now my children go to American High Schools.
They speak English. At night they sit around the
Kitchen table, laugh with one another.
I stand at the stove and feel dumb, alone.
I bought a book to learn English.
My husband frowned, drank more beer.
My oldest said, 'Mama, he doesn´t want you to
Be smarter than he is' I´m forty,
Embarrased at mispronouncing words,
Embarrased at the laughter of my children,
The grocery, the mailman. Sometimes I take
my English book and lock myself in the bathroom,
say the thick words softly, for if I stop trying, I will be deaf
when my children need my help.

This poems is told by a older woman who is struggling to fit in to a new culture and how she wants to fit in and learn the language so that she will be able to help her children if they every needed her.  She also has to deal with a husband who doesn't really like that she is learning the language. 
I picked this poems because i have seen it played out in the lives of several of my friends and their families and I know that it is a real struggle that alot of families have to deal with.
taken from Pat Mora's book of poems